Monday, January 22, 2007


Today in the lovely state of Arizona the citizens were amazed as they stepped out of their cozy homes to do their daily duties. A thin but still incredible layer of snow an ice. This was such a big deal that when I got out of the shower to get ready for school I was informed that there is a two-hour delay, until school starts. I'm thinking...sweet I'll miss a couple periods. Just as we are about to leave the house my father calls and says that the entire school district is closed today. After already missing a week of school from being sick, I was ready and mentally prepared. My whole focus had been shattered. Anyways there was practically no snow or ice on the ground, but because the teachers live where there is a lot of snow there was no school.
A snow day with no snow. What kind of place is this?


Yes! said...

Haha, wit you had no school?

Lucky, I've been sick too and had schol (but I stayed one day)

Thanks for getting me sick

Me. Here. Right now. said...

Sorry you were so sick buddy. I hope we get to see you again soon. Joe could have stayed home, he just is dedicated that way. Em & I have decided we're too tough to get sick. Girls Rule!

P.S. Thanks on the fridge thing. Ya got me.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a snow day in California!

I was raised in Montana and Wyoming. It could snow 2 feet and we'd still have to go! The only way we got a snow day in snow country was if the power was off..and even then they'd bring in gas-powered space heaters and kerosene lanterns..that was in the 60's and 70's (1900 not 1800). :)

Enjoy your no snow day.