Monday, January 22, 2007


Today in the lovely state of Arizona the citizens were amazed as they stepped out of their cozy homes to do their daily duties. A thin but still incredible layer of snow an ice. This was such a big deal that when I got out of the shower to get ready for school I was informed that there is a two-hour delay, until school starts. I'm thinking...sweet I'll miss a couple periods. Just as we are about to leave the house my father calls and says that the entire school district is closed today. After already missing a week of school from being sick, I was ready and mentally prepared. My whole focus had been shattered. Anyways there was practically no snow or ice on the ground, but because the teachers live where there is a lot of snow there was no school.
A snow day with no snow. What kind of place is this?

Saturday, January 6, 2007

What If?

I'm reading this book called "The Boys' Crusade" by Paul Fussel. For those who don't know what happened during the Crusades I'll tell you, since I'm a history geek. During the Crusades in 1212 a sum of possibly 20,000(with wooden swords) kids formed together to become the children's crusade. What ended up happening was that one of their leaders was crazy and believed that he could part the sea. When the gang found out that he was a big dumbo the "massive army" split up. So as I begin to read it, a "what if" question dawns upon me. So here it is What if our "great president" decided to have his own little Children's Crusade. I know most people reading this are saying, "DON'T GIVE HIM ANY IDEAS." well he would have to fight off all the disagreeing moms first. Talk about crazy, the USA's future as we know it would disappear. Also there is a great comparison between our government and the kid who led the crusaders. There were two but the main one was Stephen of Cloyes-(pretty much crazy) Saw Jesus in a dream and that the sea would part for his followers. Hmmmm I wonder who that could compare to. Lets see here a crazy guy thinks he can lead his people to victory by waiting for magic to happen.

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Times Are Changing

All kids/teenagers have experienced a time where they were talking about electronics and their parents gave them a dazed stare. Then they give you the speech, "When I was a kid I had to walk sixteen miles in the snow, with three dogs chasing me, and a rabid monkey waiting for me at the corner just to get to school". I'm however blessed with two out of three parents who are good with computers, which is still pretty good. The one lone ranger, who happens to be my father is one of the most computer/video game illiterate people on the planet. The real humorous part about him is that he works for Intuit which is a company that deals with software and computers everyday. Yet when he wants to find a certain site and can't, who does come crying Technology is the future.

Monday, January 1, 2007

High School

The typical stereotype of an average teenager is a person who merely focus's on what to wear, or whose going out with who. This information is completely and utterly.... true, in most cases but there are some people who have something different on their minds. For example, I'm pretty interested in whether or not the president is going to allow a draft to happen, or how the world should be driving electric cars to help preserve our fossil fuels. Maybe even try and figure out what i should do in life... but to some teenagers that is "not cool". They rather just imagine it weren't there and just let it creep up on them. What you're left with afterwards is a slob working at Mc Donalds for minimum wage. Who in there right mind want such a thing? But heck thats High School.