Monday, January 1, 2007

High School

The typical stereotype of an average teenager is a person who merely focus's on what to wear, or whose going out with who. This information is completely and utterly.... true, in most cases but there are some people who have something different on their minds. For example, I'm pretty interested in whether or not the president is going to allow a draft to happen, or how the world should be driving electric cars to help preserve our fossil fuels. Maybe even try and figure out what i should do in life... but to some teenagers that is "not cool". They rather just imagine it weren't there and just let it creep up on them. What you're left with afterwards is a slob working at Mc Donalds for minimum wage. Who in there right mind want such a thing? But heck thats High School.


Me. Here. Right now. said...

This is fabulous. Keep it up. Fight the status quo, Ben...let your voice be heard.

Anonymous said...

I nominate you to be the first teenage president!